Many top bullseye competitors speak about something strange that goes on mentally as they compete. They use terms like "Zen" and "the zone." To the rest of us, what are they talking about?
I will start by saying that I am not yet qualified to explain what
"Zen" really is. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Zen or Zen
Buddhism as, "a Chinese and Japanese school of Buddhism that asserts
that enlightenment can be attained through meditation in which
dualistic thinking is overcome". ( This dictionary didn't define
I believe they mean total singular focus on the task or thought at hand
with no distractions bearing on the conscious or subconscious mind.
I have experienced something spiritual (not in a religious sense) like
this a few times in my shooting career. Unfortunately, I have not been
able to hold this focused feeling except for very short periods. I have
not yet learned how to bring this relaxed mental state on when needed
The best personal example came once in .45 practice at 50 yards. I
started by shooting an off-hand target in the mid nineties more or less
by following the "mechanical" fundamentals and procedures. This is a
little better than average for me. Somehow, this bolstered my
confidence for the next 10-shot string. This string resulted in a
100-7X! The target is framed on my den wall.
Normally, after shooting 5 or 6 slow fire tens in a row, doubts and
fears come into my mind. I seem to fear failure, and even success!
Mental pressure increases until I shoot a 9 or worse. Then I can relax
a bit and usually finish with the rest as mostly tens.
When I shot the clean 7X target, the feeling and awareness was totally
different! After about the third shot within the 10-ring, I was sure
the rest of the string would be good. Absolutely no doubts entered my
mind during the string. I felt that I was holding so well that no shot
could miss the 10-ring! I was in a "zone" that I cannot describe in
words except it seemed that the red dot was moving very slowly and
staying in the black. The dot moved without effort to the middle and
the pistol fired, without conscious effort. The slide seemed to move in
slow motion. There was never any hesitation or mental reservation.
It is probably more important to try and recall what I was not thinking
about. I can assure you that I was not thinking about the fundamentals.
I was not conscious of position, stance, grip, nor trigger control. I
didn't even consciously hear the pistol fire; nor did I feel the
recoil. I was not thinking about past successes and failures. I was not
worried about the future. I was in my own little world for about ten
minutes! My mind was relaxed and apparently both sides of the brain
were contributing to the process of firing well aimed shots.
Contrary to my normal habit of coaching myself through the correct
process of firing a well aimed slow fire shot, I seemed to be just
observing the process while feeling the right amount of confidence. It
is important to be confident, but detrimental to be overly so.
I think each experienced shooter has a "comfort zone" that he or she
normally performs within. If performing below this level frustration
sets in, further inhibiting abilities. Occasionally, we will perform
above what we are accustomed to. This can create anxiety in the form of
"fear of success". Either way we are likely to get in a judging mode
and clutter our minds with thoughts that keep us out of that illusive
relaxed "zone".
I asked present .45 caliber National Champion and 2670 shooter, Al
Dorman to give me his thoughts on the Zen concept. Here are his words:
"First Zen is not a philosophy, it is a place that causes action. A
chapter that when explored temporarily and permanently changes
perception, both at the same time at different degrees. I cannot give
directions as I don't remember getting there or even picking up the
book to read the chapter. Maybe it was too long ago and time has eroded
the path or maybe it has always been there in varying degrees and there
was never a path."
He explains further. "When I shoot with competitors who can beat me, it
is the same as when I compete with no High Masters. I have a job to do
and I go about getting it done. Wind or other elements do not change my
perception; just my sight adjustment is changed. Maybe Zen is a type of
focus as perceived by others and giving it a name within one's self
causes it to evaporate with the morning mist. Fragile place if so."
Note that Mr. Dorman doesn't worry or even think about what the
competition is doing. His attitude and effort are at the same levels.
I'm sure most of you experienced shooters have noticed how easy it was
when you shot your best string. Once we are on the "stage" competing,
extra effort does not pay off.
Trying harder keeps the mind out of its relaxed state and best working
I am, however, convinced that extra effort during training does pay off
by ingraining good fundamental habits that must be followed with little
or no conscious effort once the competition starts.
I certainly do not want to downplay the importance of the well
established fundamentals. They must be applied by all shooters at any
level. The goal is to apply them without having to double check for
them once you are in competition. If you have a coach, that is his or
her role.
I can recommend two excellent books on the subject: Peak Performance by
Charles A. Garfield and The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallwey
May your comfort zone and scores continue to rise.